Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Earworms: Why songs get stuck in our heads? (Science)


Reading Time: 22 minutes

Level of Difficulty: 3

  There are an abundance of reasons that cause songs to get stuck in our heads. Earworms maybe have disturbed numerous people. Thinking of another songs may help us get unwanted tunes out of our heads, but the songs that cure us will stay there, too.


  I am usually stuck with music, but I do not regard it as a problem. Unsurprisingly, this phenomenon often appears after hearing a song repeatedly. The tunes not only lingered in my mind but also could never be expelled. I even could remember all the song and sing complete lyrics of it. A film or TV show becoming popular will influence earworm experiences, too. I can’t agree with it more. When watching soap operas or movies, the theme songs of them usually got stuck in my head. No matter when or where was I, I desired to hum the tunes of them constantly. The music would become especially touching and impressive. The melody might stay there until the theme songs of shows became out of style or I was not as keen as before. Although an abundance of people get into trouble being stuck with music, I do not consent to that earworm results in annoyance or botheration. The song which popped into my head was often my favorite or beloved one. Its continual emergence may help me remember the tune. Drenched with charming melody is enjoyable and pleasant feeling. It do not disturb my life at all.

Discussion Issues:

1.What song got stuck in your head
2.Did song that got stuck trouble you

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Right Way to Fight Fat Creep (Health)


Reading Time: 18 minutes

Level of Difficulty:

  Many people have got into trouble with fat creep, and most of them used wrong manner to lose weight. We should find the right way, or incorrect approaches may sabotage our efforts.

  An abundance of girls around me are often not satisfied with their shapes and trying hard to slim down. Unsurprisingly, I am no exception. I have attempted to go on a diet and sought for useful manners to stay fit. To my astonishment, Exercise alone leads to a modest reduction in weight loss—less than 3 percentI usually go to our sports field to jog with my friend in the night. We even went jogging everyday when we were both free and the weather is cooler before. As our habit, we run a lap around the playground and then walk around the track. We always run about 1600 meters one night. Walking through running track can slightly relax and share everything that is going on our lives. Due to chatting with my friend, exercise becomes interesting and not as hard as I imaged. It seems perfect, but I found something was wrong after reading this article. In fact, I seldom go jogging recently because we are more and more busy preparing exams and holding activities. Next time, I will pair the right diet with exercise to make it more effective. I hope I could reach my goal as soon as possible.

Discussion Issues:
1.Have you ever tried to lose weight
2.What manners did you take to keep fit

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What will happen to Norway mass killer Breivik? (Crime & Law)


Reading Time: 21 minutes

Level of Difficulty: 3

  Anders Behring Breivik, who is a mass killer in Norway. He set off a bomb that killed eight peoplethen shot 69 people at a youth camp. The trial of him is under way. Whether Breivik was sane or insane at the time of the killings is extremely critical.

  Breivik’s crazy behavior is too horrible to define. I even can not imagine the gun rampage scene. His mental facility and consciousness are confusing and uncertain. Although somebody claimed that Breivik was paranoid and schizophrenic at the time of the attacks, I think he is guilty. His unreasonable act caused an abundance of innocent people passing away. It not only resulted in countless broken homes but also brought them boundless sorrow and pain. I can not easily forgive Breivik’s cruel behavior, to say nothing of victims and their family. Abolishing death penalty or not has provoked much discussion among everyone in Taiwan. I do not think death penalty is a good manner to deal with criminals because life is precious. In spite of opposing paying back in the same coin, I consider that Breivik should pay for his attacks to some degree. If he was insane then, Breivik will just be confined to a psychiatric institution for the rest of his life and pend reviews of his mental state by the court every three years. In my opinion, it is so cheap of it. He killed 77 people and made numerous people frightened and miserable. Maybe Breivik may regret and be sorry for victims, but I suppose that he have to be sentenced to prison or preventive detention. After all, the harm has been done and we could not bring victims back to life.

Discussion Issues:
1.What is your opinion about death penalty
2.How do you think about Breivik’s attacks

Monday, April 16, 2012

"The Artist" paints golden picture at Oscars (Entertainment)


Reading Time: 20 minutes

Level of Difficulty: 2

  The Oscar celebrated its 84th awards ceremony. "The Artist," a French silent movie won abundant glory. It made everyone recall how cinema special when silent movies are already overtaken by talkies. Oscars was also given to Meryl Streep, the leading actress in "The Iron Lady" winning her third Academy Award in 17 nominations. Christopher Plummer playing an elderly gay in "Beginners" made history by becoming the oldest winner at age 82. Other awards were splendidly given to that charmed Oscar voters, too. Last but not least, every star was on the spotlight walking through the Oscar red carpet.


   When I lived in my home where television is available, I used to watch the Oscars on time. I am a person who loves movies deeply. Searching for new films and updating my information on hot movies were my routine before I studying in university. I also usually went to the movies to enjoy wonderful stories and relax my mind. So, the Oscars is too atrctive to me to miss it. When I saw actors and actresses won awards screaming with excitement and crying with joy, I felt as thrilled as prize winners. Gaining audiences’ and Oscar voters’ commendation was not only big pleasance to them but also to me. Somebody devoted himself or herself to films, winning the Oscars was the nicest compliment without a doubt. In addition to sharing Oscar winners’ happiness, I also want to have a glimpse of stars’ elegant demeanor on the Oscar red carpet. Actresses’ dazzling gowns and fashion style always caught my eye. Their beauty took my breath away. I am interested in designing. Hollywood's biggest fashion parade was never out of style so they could inspire me to figure out some new ideas. After all, the Oscars brought a lot of gladness to me and I am extremely fond of it.

Discussion Issues:
1. Do you like to watch the Oscars on TV
2. Who is you favorite actor or actress that won an Oscar

Saturday, April 7, 2012

3D films lose lustre as home-grown hits win cinema box-office battle (Entertainment)


Reading Time: 20 minutes

Level of Difficulty: 2

   3D film is already losing its market thought a wave of enthusiasm for Avatar had swept over everywhere and brought abundant profits in 2009. Low-cost, British-made blockbusters sake 3D film’s position. Available video from digital channels, American TV series box sets, home rental service and legal or pirated online films also pushed it out of the picture. 3D film is thumped by the sustained rise in the price of fuel and more careful usage of out-of-home expenses, too.

  People are cautious with money because of the rise in prices. It may really cause customers to decrease their consumption on 3D film. As for me, I prefer buying a ticket to enjoy it in a theater. Owing to more high-quality sound and bigger screen, my heart vibrated to the atmosphere when I see 3D movies in cinemas. Visual effects bring a feeling to me that like I experienced present scene in the film. Besides, I can receive a discount by purchasing a student ticket. It will help me control my expenditure to some degree. As a result, I think paying for 3D films is worthful. On the contrary, I seldom spend on movies that are not 3D. They feature stories and plots without any special effects, so I would rather rent DVDs or enjoy them online than go to the theater. There is no denying that most customers are affected by reality and choose to reduce out-of-home expenses. In spite of my admiration, 3D films really lose luster gradually.

Discussion Issues:
1. Do you think 3D films lose luster
2. What channel do you usually choose to enjoy movies

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Child’s Dream of a Star (Short Story)


Reading Time: 23 minutes

Level of Difficulty: 2

 There was one clear shining star that used to come out in the sky before the rest. A child and his sister always looked out once again and say, "God bless the star!" before they slept. But his sister passed away while she was still very young. Then, his little brother, mother, and his daughter died one after the other. When his family member passed away, he always dreamed of the open star, and of the company of angels, and the train of people. Finally, the star shone again, but this time it shone upon his grave.

  Although this story is pretty short, it actually implicates an abundant of meaning and symbols. It is a little bit difficult to totally understand the story because of its abstraction. But I can not admire this short story’s artistic conception and implication more. I am touched beyond words. Man's bitterest sorrows are separation and death. We always feel suffering and depressed when we have to leave our friends and family. It can well be imagined how painful someone we extremely love passes away. Some people may think it is too lonely and sore to keep on living without him or her, even wishing angles could also bring them to Heaven. However, death is a part of our life we have to live with. It is an inevitable process to everyone around the world even though we really don't want to let them go. Maybe we can change our attitude toward death and think in another way. I believe that everyone’s life is doomed. The length of life can not be compelled. I will try hard to view the death of someone important to me as a reasonable course. They just went to Heaven in advance and awaited me. We could get together and embrace each other again when I also enter Heaven in the future. The child in the story experienced his family members’ passing away again and again. Although he desired his sister to take him, it was not the time for him to give up his life. But as time went on, he was reunited to his family eventually.
Discussion Issues:
1. What does the meaning of the shining star to the child
2. Why don’t the child’s sister take him to Heaven